College is such a unique time of life and being part of a Christian student group like AIA can be an awesome part of that time.  But it goes beyond that.  Long after you've left the these hallowed halls it's our hope that you've grown closer to Jesus than you were the day you graduated.  How's that going to happen?  The local church.  Church isn't about a building, it's about people who are seeking God, growing in their faith, and encouraging others to do the same.  It's God's means for you to receive both love and truth, and to know Him better.  AIA is usually just about a four year deal, but being part of a church should last a lifetime.  So why not get plugged into one now?

All over the Providence area there are solid, Christ-centered, Bible teaching churches.  A lot of them you can walk to. Others have shuttles that will pick you up at a few locations around campus.  And some even provide breakfast.  So, all you have to do is wake up and go...

Need a ride? Just email us with your church you’d like to attend and we’ll get you the contact info. for the person who sets up transportation for students.

Athletes In Action is not a church--technically, we're a parachurch ministry. Meaning, we're simply an arm of the church, ministering to people and in places where (historically) it's been difficult for churches to reach. While we definitely want students involved in our ministry on campus, we also want students to be plugged into a local church. For answers to various questions about church in general, click here. If you'd like help finding a good church, then please contact us.